Sunday, March 17, 2013

I haven't added to the blog as life is moving at a fast and confusing pace.  It is almost insane how a person's life can change in a day, an hour, a minute or an instant.  A cross roads is now squarely in front of me and requires some difficult decisions to be reached.  The biggest decision will impact me the most and yet affect others that I love dearly.  In the end it will be a guess that will determine where my soul will be comforted and peace can be found, which in turn will likely lead to unrest and unhappiness for others not deserving of such a repercussion.

I find it difficult to clear my mind and just listen to my heart.  Yet the heart is what has brought me to this cross road.  Somehow I need to reach down deep, deep into my core, allow my heart to speak and my mind to think rationally and clearly.  Wish me well.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Grit & Grace

We can live overwhelmed and pulled in too many directions amid the saltiness, dust and grit of daily life, left with a view that is obscured, allowing it unknowingly to become your life and soul. If you carefully wipe it away, you'll find on the other side a graceful beacon of light leading to an ocean of adventures and dreams yet unfilled. The choice is yours and only yours. If not now, when? It is never too late.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Lost In The Moment

I'm sitting in my office and felt the angst building up as I realized just how much needs to get done this weekend. Then it happened. An oak tree with luminescent golden leaves caught my eye. The rays of the sun filled the tree with a magical glow that only happens in the early morning. I sat and sipped on my coffee enjoying nature's momentary gift. A sunbeam fell upon me while I stared through the window. I closed my eyes for a few minutes and enjoyed it's simple caress and warmth. I realized in those moments nothing else existed and had found my eternity.